Art is naturally linked to creativity, an attribute that is increasingly being touted as one of the most important factors for the success of individuals, organizations, and cultures.
The truth is that Art is vital, if somewhat intangible, and that if children engage in hands-on art activities, they learn much better in all disciplines.
I believe in meeting with each artist individually and assessing their baseline art skills.
I believe that EVERYONE is capable of learning art techniques, color theory, art history, the elements and processes of Art through the creation of their own unique works of art, and I am here to help!
I believe in practicing skills and that there are ALWAYS qualities of good that can be found in each piece that we can learn from and discuss.
I believe that ACTIVELY listening teaches the ART of communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills through open discussion and constructive criticism.
I believe in providing a comfortable learning environment and providing EVERYONE the opportunity to share their ideas safely.
I believe that Art teaches life skills that are imperative within our society.
Art teaches respect for ALL cultures, history, activism, strength, perseverance, resiliency, and so much more.